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| 01/07/2009 | NFO | Really_Really_DS_JPN_PROPER_DiRFIX_NDS-iND                                                            |
| 30/06/2009 | NFO | NUKED Really_Really_DS_JPN_RARFIX_NDS-2CH                                                             |
| 03/01/2008 | NFO | Real_Adventures_Pet_Vet_EUR_MULTi2_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                        |
| 22/06/2009 | NFO | Real_Adventures_Pet_Vet_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                  |
| 09/01/2008 | NFO | Real_Adventures_Wild_Horses_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                    |
| 22/06/2009 | NFO | Real_Adventures_Wild_Horses_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                              |
| 11/10/2010 | NFO | Real_Crimes_Jack_The_Ripper_EUR_MULTi4_NDS-ABSTRAKT                                                   |
| 07/11/2013 | NFO | Real_Crimes_Jack_the_Ripper_EUR_MULTi4_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                    |
| 20/02/2014 | NFO | Real_Crimes_Jack_The_Ripper_EUR_UK_NDS-PUSSYCAT                                                       |
| 05/08/2011 | NFO | Real_Crimes_The_Unicorn_Killer_EUR_MULTi4_NDS-ABSTRAKT                                                |
| 10/10/2007 | NFO | Real_Football_2008_EUR_NDS-FireX                                                                      |
| 22/06/2009 | NFO | Real_Football_2008_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                       |
| 22/06/2009 | NFO | Real_Football_2009_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                       |
| 30/11/2008 | NFO | Real_Football_2009_EUR_NDS-XPA                                                                        |
| 22/02/2008 | NFO | Real_Soccer_2008_USA_NDS-SirVG                                                                        |
| 22/06/2009 | NFO | NUKED Real_Soccer_2009_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                   |
| 18/11/2008 | NFO | Real_Soccer_2009_USA_NDS-XPA                                                                          |
| 15/12/2009 | NFO | Real_Stories_Amoureux_pour_la_Vie_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                     |
| 29/11/2008 | NFO | Real_Stories_Babies_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                                   |
| 01/12/2009 | NFO | Real_Stories_Cheval_Academy_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                           |
| 10/01/2009 | NFO | Real_Stories_Fashionshop_FRA_NDS-VORTEX                                                               |
| 29/11/2008 | NFO | Real_Stories_Mission_Equitation_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                       |
| 11/12/2009 | NFO | Real_Stories_Mon_Hotel_De_Reve_FRA_NDS-XPA                                                            |
| 10/02/2011 | NFO | Real_Stories_My_Baby_World_EUR_MULTI5_CLEAN_NDS-DDumpers                                              |
| 29/11/2008 | NFO | Real_Stories_Veterinaire_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                              |
| 07/12/2009 | NFO | Real_Stories_Veterinaire_Mission_Australie_FRA_NDS-XPA                                                |
| 28/11/2005 | NFO | Real_Time_Conflict_Shogun_Empires_USA_NDS-MODE7                                                       |
| 01/12/2009 | NFO | Recettes_de_Cuisine_avec_Cyril_Lignac_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                 |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Rec_Room_Games_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                                        |
| 30/07/2008 | NFO | Red_Bull_BC_One_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                                |
| 20/12/2008 | NFO | Red_Bull_BC_One_USA_NDS-SirVG                                                                         |
| 22/07/2011 | NFO | Red_Stone_DS_Akaki_Ishi_ni_Michibikareshi_Monotachi_JPN_NDS-HR                                        |
| 05/05/2008 | NFO | Rekiken_DS_JPN_NDS-iND                                                                                |
| 01/05/2009 | NFO | Rekishi_Adventure_Quiz_Sangokushi_Tsuu_DS_JPN_NDS-HR                                                  |
| 16/03/2008 | NFO | Rekishi_Gunsou_Presents_-_Monoshiri_Sengoku_Ou_JPN_NDS-6rz                                            |
| 30/05/2008 | NFO | Rekishi_Gunzou_Presents_-_Monoshiri_Bakumatsu_Ou_JPN_NDS-6rz                                          |
| 25/06/2009 | NFO | Rekishi_Gunzou_Presents_Monoshiri_Sangokushi_JPN_NDS-BAHAMUT                                          |
| 09/12/2010 | NFO | Rekishi_Taisen_Gettenka_Tenkaichi_Battle_Royal_JPN_NDS-BAHAMUT                                        |
| 25/09/2006 | NFO | Remindelight_JPN_NDS-WRG                                                                              |
| 23/08/2007 | NFO | Remy_no_Oishii_Restaurant_JPN_NDS-Caravan                                                             |
| 06/01/2006 | NFO | Rentian_Gougou_Demo_Read_NFO_CHN_IDS-WRG                                                              |
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| 15/03/2008 | NFO | Resident.Evil.Deadly.Silence.Guide.NDS.IGN.Insiders-PDF                                               |
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| 22/06/2009 | NFO | NUKED Resident_Evil_Deadly_Silence_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                       |
| 28/03/2007 | NFO | Resident_Evil_Deadly_Silence_Plus2_Patch_USA_NDS-cracker                                              |
| 10/02/2006 | NFO | Resident_Evil_Deadly_Silence_USA_NDS-WRG                                                              |
| 14/07/2010 | NFO |                                             |
| 06/05/2010 | NFO | Restaurant_Tycoon_EUR_NDS-RFTD                                                                        |
| 16/02/2011 | NFO | Retro_Arcade_Toppers_Vol.1_EUR_NDS-RobotKillers                                                       |
| NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 128 ] [ 129 ]  -130-  [ 131 ] [ 132 ] ... [ 177 ]                                                |