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| 17/09/2010 | NFO | Bermuda_Triangle_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-ROM                                                                   |
| 23/04/2009 | NFO | Besser_Essen_Leben_Leicht_Gemacht_GER_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                     |
| 27/03/2007 | NFO | Best_Friends_Dogs_And_Catz_EUR_NDS-LGC                                                                |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Best_Friends_Hunde_und_Katzen_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                            |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Best_Friends_Mein_Pferd_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                  |
| 03/01/2008 | NFO | Best_Friends_Mein_Pferd_GER_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                               |
| 24/11/2009 | NFO | Best_Friends_My_Horse_EUR_MULTi7_NDS-BAHAMUT                                                          |
| 02/02/2011 | NFO | Best_Friends_Tonight_USA_CLEAN_NDS-NukeThis                                                           |
| 03/07/2010 | NFO | Best_Friends_Tonight_USA_NDS-SUXXORS                                                                  |
| 26/04/2009 | NFO | Best_of_Arcade_Games_DS_EUR_MULTi7_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                        |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Best_of_Board_Games_DS_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                   |
| 03/10/2007 | NFO | Best_Of_Board_Games_DS_EUR_NDS-UD                                                                     |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Best_of_Card_Games_DS_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                    |
| 05/09/2007 | NFO | NUKED Best_Of_Card_Games_EUR_NDS-PUPPA                                                                |
| 05/09/2007 | NFO | Best_Of_Card_Games_EUR_PROPER_NDS-PUPPA                                                               |
| 20/03/2009 | NFO | Best_of_Tests_DS_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                         |
| 03/10/2007 | NFO | Best_Of_Tests_DS_EUR_NDS-UD                                                                           |
| 09/03/2008 | NFO | Best_of_Tests_USA_NDS-SQUiRE                                                                          |
| 14/03/2008 | NFO | Betty_Boops_Double_Shift_EUR_MULTI5_NDS-SQUiRE                                                        |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Betty_Boops_Double_Shift_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                                 |
| 25/12/2007 | NFO | Betty_Boop_Double_Shift_USA_NDS-SirVG                                                                 |
| 21/11/2010 | NFO | BeYbLaDe_mETal_fUsIoN_cYBeR_pEgASuS_eUr_nDs-OMNITELlovesanalleakage                                   |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Fusion_Normal_Version_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                  |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Fusion_ToysRus_Exclusive_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                               |
| 26/11/2010 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Fusion_USA_NDS-NukeThis                                                                |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Fusion_Walmart_Exclusive_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                               |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Masters_Best_Buy_Exclusive_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                             |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Masters_Collectors_Edition_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                             |
| 16/11/2011 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Masters_NDS-VENOM                                                                      |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Masters_Target_Exclusive_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                               |
| 31/05/2014 | NFO | Beyblade_Metal_Masters_ToysRus_Exclusive_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                              |
| 30/09/2009 | NFO | BFF_TV_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-BAHAMUT                                                                         |
| 02/04/2009 | NFO | Bibi_and_Tina_The_Great_Paper_Chase_EUR_MULTi3_NDS-OneUp                                              |
| 16/11/2008 | NFO | Bibi_Blocksberg_-_Neustadt_im_Hex-Chaos_GER_NDS-iND                                                   |
| 13/10/2009 | NFO | Bibi_Blocksberg_Das_gestohlene_Hexbuch_EUR_GERMAN_NDS-BAHAMUT                                         |
| 06/09/2012 | NFO | Bibi_Blocksberg_Der_verhexte_Schloss_Schatz_GER_NDS-ABSTRAKT                                          |
| 20/08/2011 | NFO | Bibi_Blocksberg_Grundschule_Mathematik_Klasse_1-4_EUR_GERMAN_NDS-ABSTRAKT                             |
| 08/05/2009 | NFO | Bibi_Blocksberg_Neustadt_im_Hex-Chaos_EUR_NDS-LiTE                                                    |
| 19/09/2010 | NFO | Bibi_und_Tina_Das_grobe_Unwetter_GER_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                      |
| 15/03/2011 | NFO | Bibi_und_Tina_Jump_and_Ride_EUR_GERMAN_NDS-ABSTRAKT                                                   |
| 06/03/2010 | NFO | Bibliothek_Der_Klassischen_Buecher_EUR_GERMAN_NDS-BAHAMUT                                             |
| 28/11/2006 | NFO | Biene_Maja_Klatschmohnwiese_In_Gefahr_EUR_NDS-LGC                                                     |
| 31/10/2008 | NFO | Bienvenue_chez_les_Chtis_FRA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                              |
| 11/11/2014 | NFO | NUKED                                                 |
| 01/08/2009 | NFO | Bigfoot_Collision_Course_EUR_MULTi6_NDS-BAHAMUT                                                       |
| 30/06/2013 | NFO | Bigfoot_Collision_Course_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS                                                              |
| 04/03/2009 | NFO | Big_Bang_Mini_EUR_NDS-XPA                                                                             |
| 27/01/2009 | NFO | Big_Bang_Mini_USA_NDS-XPA                                                                             |
| 04/01/2009 | NFO | Big_Brain_Academy_Demo_USA_NDS-SirVG                                                                  |
| 04/07/2006 | NFO | Big_Brain_Academy_EUR_NDS-SUPREMACY                                                                   |
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