o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o | | | R O M - N E W S | | | | thanks for viewing the ads | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | YOU ARE CURRENTLY BROWSiNG THE 'NDS' SECTiON, CONTAiNiNG '8824' RELEASES. | | | | [ SEARCH ] | | | | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 160 ] [ 161 ] -162- [ 163 ] [ 164 ] ... [ 177 ] | | | |----DATE----.-----.--RELEASENAME------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 22/03/2013 | NFO | Zhu_Zhu_Babies_EUR_MULTi7_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 22/03/2013 | NFO | The_Croods_Prehistoric_Party_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 09/04/2013 | NFO | The_Croods_Prehistoric_Party_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-ABSTRAKT | | 01/05/2013 | NFO | Scribblenauts_Collection_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 01/05/2013 | NFO | Ice_Age_4_Continental_Drift_Arctic_Games_EUR_MULTi2_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 01/05/2013 | NFO | Timmy_Time_EUR_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 01/05/2013 | NFO | Transformers_Decepticons_v1.1_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 20/05/2013 | NFO | Baby_Life_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 20/05/2013 | NFO | Big_Time_Rush_Backstage_Pass_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 20/05/2013 | NFO | DJ_Star_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 20/05/2013 | NFO | Monkey_Madness_Island_Escape_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 20/05/2013 | NFO | Miffys_World_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 01/06/2013 | NFO | Cars_2_EUR_MULTi3_NDS-frieNDS | | 01/06/2013 | NFO | NUKED VIPs_Very_Important_Pets_EUR_NDS-frieNDS | | 01/06/2013 | NFO | NUKED Toy_Story_3_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-frieNDS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Knock_Em_Downs_Worlds_Fair_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Bigfoot_Collision_Course_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Casual_Mania_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Challenge_Me_Brain_Puzzles_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Digging_for_Dinosaurs_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Drawn_to_Life_Collection_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Emergency_Disaster_Rescue_Squad_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Gremlins_Gizmo_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | My_Amusement_Park_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | My_Reading_Tutor_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Riding_Academy_2_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Sesame_Street_Elmos_Musical_Monsterpiece_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | The_Story_of_Noahs_Ark_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Western_Riding_Academy_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Xia-Xia_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Dora_and_Friends_Fantastic_Flight_EUR_MULTi4_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Josefiina_Alkupolku_Englannin_kieli_Mysteeri_Lontoossa_FiN_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Josefiina_Alkupolku_Matematiikka_Sumua_Lukukylan_ylla_FiN_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Josefiina_Alkupolku_Seikkailumaa_Unelmien_Peili_FiN_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 30/06/2013 | NFO | Knock_Em_Downs_Worlds_Fair_EUR_MULTi2_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 04/07/2013 | NFO | WarioWare_Touched_DEMO_EUR_NDS_PATCH-iPS | | 07/07/2013 | NFO | El_Profesor_Layton_y_la_Llamada_del_Espectro_SPA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 07/07/2013 | NFO | Jewel_Link_Safari_Quest_EUR_MULTi3_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 14/07/2013 | NFO | Locks_Quest_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-LaKiTu | | 16/07/2013 | NFO | Gogos_Crazy_Bones_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 16/07/2013 | NFO | The_Smurfs_2_EUR_MULTi9_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 25/07/2013 | NFO | Jewel_Match_3_EUR_MULTi4_NDS-ABSTRAKT | | 27/07/2013 | NFO | My_Amusement_Park_Digging_for_Dinosaurs_Game_Pack_USA_NDS-QueLLBRUNN | | 28/07/2013 | NFO | Dreamer_Series_Horse_Trainer_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 28/07/2013 | NFO | Animal_Life_Collection_iNTERNAL_READNFO_EUR_DSi_NDS-QueLLBRUNN | | 29/07/2013 | NFO | Cooking_Mama_World_Combo_Pack_Volume_1_EUR_MULTi5_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 04/08/2013 | NFO | 3in1_Horses_NDS-QueLLBRUNN | | 10/08/2013 | NFO | Disney_Planes_EUR_MULTi3_NDS-ABSTRAKT | | 11/08/2013 | NFO | Fashion_Week_Jr._Designer_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | | 11/08/2013 | NFO | Disney_Planes_USA_NDS-EXiMiUS | |------------'-----'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 160 ] [ 161 ] -162- [ 163 ] [ 164 ] ... [ 177 ] | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOADTiME:0.07716s---ROM-NEWS-SiNCE-2004-'