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| NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 28 ] [ 29 ]  -30-  [ 31 ] [ 32 ] ... [ 90 ]                                                      |
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| 09/03/2020 | NFO | Reventure_Update_v1.6.6_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                   |
| 04/02/2020 | NFO | Reventure_Update_v1.6.2.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                 |
| 26/03/2020 | NFO | Revenge_of_Justice_JPN_NSW-HR                                                                         |
| 26/10/2022 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_Update_v1.0.3_NSW-SUXXORS                                                              |
| 05/10/2018 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_Full_Recovery_Orichalcum_DLC_NSW-SUXXORS                                               |
| 05/10/2018 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_Experience_Orichalcum_DLC_NSW-SUXXORS                                                  |
| 05/10/2018 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_eShop_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                      |
| 05/10/2018 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_Encounter_Orichalcum_DLC_NSW-SUXXORS                                                   |
| 05/10/2018 | NFO | Revenant_Dogma_Damage_Orichalcum_DLC_NSW-SUXXORS                                                      |
| 19/09/2023 | NFO | Return_to_Shironagasu_Island_Update_v1.0.4_NSW-SUXXORS                                                |
| 15/10/2022 | NFO | Return_to_Monkey_Island_Update_v1.0.4_NSW-VENOM                                                       |
| 10/11/2020 | NFO | ReTurn_One_Way_Trip_NSW-NiiNTENDO                                                                     |
| 11/08/2022 | NFO | Retro_Pocket_Rocket_Update_v1.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                           |
| 14/07/2022 | NFO | Retro_Pocket_Rocket_NSW-LiGHTFORCE                                                                    |
| 25/11/2021 | NFO | Retro_Highway_Update_v1.0.04_NSW-SUXXORS                                                              |
| 20/12/2017 | NFO | Retro.City.Rampage.DX.USA.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox                                                       |
| 11/06/2019 | NFO | Retimed_Update_v1.2.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                     |
| 24/05/2019 | NFO | Retimed_Update_v1.2.0_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                     |
| 03/08/2020 | NFO | Retimed_Update_v1.18.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                    |
| 25/03/2020 | NFO | Retimed_Update_v1.17.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                    |
| 21/05/2019 | NFO | Resident_Evil_eShop_NSW-VENOM                                                                         |
| 05/12/2022 | NFO | Resident_Evil_5_Update_v1.0.3_NSW-VENOM                                                               |
| 10/07/2019 | NFO | Resident_Evil_4_Update_v1.0.1_NSW-VENOM                                                               |
| 21/05/2019 | NFO | Resident_Evil_4_eShop_NSW-VENOM                                                                       |
| 21/05/2019 | NFO | Resident_Evil_0_NSW-VENOM                                                                             |
| 16/08/2018 | NFO | NUKED Resident.Evil.Revelations.2.eShop.NSW-BigBlueBox                                                |
| 23/12/2019 | NFO | Rescue_Tale_NSW-iNCiDENT                                                                              |
| 02/12/2021 | NFO | Rento_Fortune_Rento_TEAMS_DLC_NSW-SUXXORS                                                             |
| 06/02/2020 | NFO | Rento_Fortune_Monolit_Update_v1.0.4_NSW-SUXXORS                                                       |
| 07/01/2019 | NFO | Rento_Fortune_Monolit_Update_v1.0.2_NSW-SUXXORS                                                       |
| 16/08/2018 | NFO | Rento.Fortune.Monolit.eShop.NSW-BigBlueBox                                                            |
| 23/12/2019 | NFO | Remothered_Tormented_Fathers_Update_v1.3.0_NSW-SUXXORS                                                |
| 16/02/2021 | NFO | Remothered_Broken_Porcelain_Update_v1.0.3_JPN_NSW-HR                                                  |
| 16/10/2020 | NFO | Remothered_Broken_Porcelain_NSW-ZELDA                                                                 |
| 27/05/2022 | NFO | REMOTE_LIFE_Update_v1.0.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                 |
| 27/05/2022 | NFO | Remote_Life_NSW-LiGHTFORCE                                                                            |
| 23/04/2024 | NFO | Remnant_From_the_Ashes_Update_v1.0.1_NSW-HR                                                           |
| 23/04/2024 | NFO | Remnant_From_the_Ashes_NSW-HR                                                                         |
| 10/05/2019 | NFO | RemiLore_Update_v1.0.2_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                    |
| 21/02/2019 | NFO | RemiLore_Update_v1.0.1_NSW-SUXXORS                                                                    |
| 20/02/2019 | NFO | RemiLore_NSW-LUBE                                                                                     |
| 15/04/2021 | NFO | Relicta_NSW-VENOM                                                                                     |
| 23/12/2019 | NFO | Regions_of_Ruin_NSW-VENOM                                                                             |
| 15/12/2018 | NFO | Regalia_Of_Men_and_Monarchs_Royal_Edition_Update_v1.0.3_NSW-SUXXORS                                   |
| 16/08/2018 | NFO | Regalia.Of.Men.and.Monarchs.Royal.Edition.eShop.NSW-BigBlueBox                                        |
| 08/06/2019 | NFO | Refunct_eShop_NSW-LiGHTFORCE                                                                          |
| 04/10/2018 | NFO | Refrain_no_Chika_Meikyuu_to_Majo_no_Ryodan_JPN_iNTERNAL_NSW-HR                                        |
| 08/05/2020 | NFO | Reed.2_NSW-JRP                                                                                        |
| 27/05/2022 | NFO | Red_Wings_American_Aces_Update_v1.1.3_NSW-VENOM                                                       |
| 06/08/2020 | NFO | Red_Wings_Aces_of_the_Sky_Update_v1.1_NSW-VENOM                                                       |
| NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 28 ] [ 29 ]  -30-  [ 31 ] [ 32 ] ... [ 90 ]                                                      |