o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o | | | R O M - N E W S | | | | with fresh nfo for you | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | YOU ARE CURRENTLY BROWSiNG THE 'NSW' SECTiON, CONTAiNiNG '4485' RELEASES. | | | | [ SEARCH ] | | | | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 88 ] [ 89 ] -90- | | | |----DATE----.-----.--RELEASENAME------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Mario.plus.Rabbids.Kingdom.Battle.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Cave.Story.plus.USA.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | The.Binding.of.Isaac.Afterbirth.plus.USA.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Lego.City.Undercover.USA.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Puyo.Puyo.Tetris.USA.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Has.Been.Heroes.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | ARMS.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | Mario.Kart.8.Deluxe.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 20/12/2017 | NFO | The.Legend.of.Zelda.Breath.of.the.Wild.PROPER.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 28/11/2017 | NFO | Soldam.Drop.Connect.Erase.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 14/11/2017 | NFO | Tiny.Barbarian.DX.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 14/11/2017 | NFO | Sine.Mora.EX.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 14/11/2017 | NFO | Minecraft.Story.Mode.The.Complete.Adventure.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 14/11/2017 | NFO | LEGO.Worlds.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 14/11/2017 | NFO | Fate.EXTELLA.The.Umbral.Star.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 13/11/2017 | NFO | Touhou.Kobuto.V.Burst.Battle.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 13/11/2017 | NFO | Dragon.Ball.Xenoverse.2.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 13/11/2017 | NFO | One.Piece.Unlimited.World.Red.Deluxe.Edition.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 13/11/2017 | NFO | Just.Dance.2017.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 13/11/2017 | NFO | Minna.de.Waiwai.Spelunker.JPN.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 17/10/2017 | NFO | Seiken.Densetsu.Collection.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 17/10/2017 | NFO | I.Am.Setsuna.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 17/10/2017 | NFO | Super.Bomberman.R.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 17/10/2017 | NFO | 1.2.Switch.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 25/09/2017 | NFO | Pokken.Tournament.DX.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 30/08/2017 | NFO | Mario.plus.Rabbids.Kingdom.Battle.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 26/07/2017 | NFO | Splatoon.2.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 25/07/2017 | NFO | Cave.Story.plus.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 25/07/2017 | NFO | The.Binding.of.Isaac.Afterbirth.plus.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | Lego.City.Undercover.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | Puyo.Puyo.Tetris.USA.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | Has.Been.Heroes.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | NUKED ARMS.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | Mario.Kart.8.Deluxe.NSW-BigBlueBox | | 19/07/2017 | NFO | The.Legend.of.Zelda.Breath.of.the.Wild.NSW-BigBlueBox | |------------'-----'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 88 ] [ 89 ] -90- | '-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOADTiME:0.0463s---ROM-NEWS-SiNCE-2004-'