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| 17/08/2014 | NFO | Ryu_ga_Gotoku_Ishin_JPN_PS4-KUMiCHOU                                                                  |
| 31/08/2018 | NFO |                                                        |
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| 09/09/2018 | NFO | Ryu.Ga.Gotoku.Kiwami_2_JPN_PS4-JRP                                                                    |
| 10/01/2019 | NFO | Ryu.Ga.Gotoku.6_JPN_PS4-JRP                                                                           |
| 20/03/2022 | NFO | Runbow.Update.v1.02.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                        |
| 20/03/2022 | NFO | Runbow.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                                     |
| 06/04/2018 | NFO | Rugby_15_PS4-RESPAWN                                                                                  |
| 09/01/2015 | NFO | Rugby_15_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                                  |
| 07/12/2018 | NFO | Rugby.League.Live.4.UPDATE.v1.07.PS4-RESPAWN                                                          |
| 07/06/2018 | NFO | Rugby.18.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                                   |
| 26/04/2016 | NFO | Rugby.15.USA.PS4-BigBlueBox                                                                           |
| 22/02/2022 | NFO | RPG.Maker.MV.Update.v1.02.PS4-UNLiMiTED                                                               |
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| 02/01/2016 | NFO | Rory_McIlroy_PGA_Tour_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                     |
| 15/06/2018 | NFO | Roque_Trooper_Redux_PS4-RESPAWN                                                                       |
| 08/08/2020 | NFO | Root_Letter_Last_Answer_PS4-Playable                                                                  |
| 07/08/2020 | NFO | Roman_Rumble_Lost_in_Las_Vegum_Asterix_and_Obelix_XXL_2_UPDATE_v1.02_PS4-Playable                     |
| 07/08/2020 | NFO | Roman_Rumble_Lost_in_Las_Vegum_Asterix_and_Obelix_XXL_2_PS4-Playable                                  |
| 11/11/2017 | NFO | Romance_of_the_Three_Kingdoms_EUR_PS4-SharpHD                                                         |
| 24/03/2018 | NFO | Romance.Of.The.Three.Kingdoms.XIII.PS4-DUPLEX                                                         |
| 22/06/2018 | NFO | Rolling.Bob.Update.v1.02.PS4-DarKmooN                                                                 |
| 22/06/2018 | NFO | Rolling.Bob.PS4-DarKmooN                                                                              |
| 06/06/2018 | NFO | Rogue_Stormers_PS4-Playable                                                                           |
| 05/07/2018 | NFO | Rogue.Trooper.Redux.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                        |
| 21/03/2018 | NFO | Rocket_League_PS4-Playable                                                                            |
| 10/06/2018 | NFO | Rock.of.Ages.2.Bigger.and.Boulder.incl.DLC.PS4-DUPLEX                                                 |
| 26/01/2016 | NFO | Rock.Band.4.USA.PS4-BigBlueBox                                                                        |
| 09/06/2018 | NFO | Rock.Band.4.PS4-BlaZe                                                                                 |
| 01/03/2018 | NFO | Robinson_The_Journey_PS4-LiGHTFORCE                                                                   |
| 10/08/2017 | NFO | Robinson_The_Journey_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                      |
| 28/06/2018 | NFO | Road_Rage_PS4-RESPAWN                                                                                 |
| 12/01/2019 | NFO | Road.Rage.UPDATE.v1.02.PS4-PRELUDE                                                                    |
| 14/02/2022 | NFO | Risk.of.Rain.2.Update.v1.08.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                |
| 14/02/2022 | NFO | Risk.of.Rain.2.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                             |
| 27/02/2018 | NFO | Risen.3.Titan.Lords.Enhanced.Edition.PS4-DUPLEX                                                       |
| 08/12/2018 | NFO | Rise.and.Shine.PS4-PRELUDE                                                                            |
| 07/02/2022 | NFO | RiMS.Racing.Update.v1.05.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                   |
| 07/02/2022 | NFO | RiMS.Racing.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                                |
| 05/09/2017 | NFO | RiME_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                                      |
| 18/06/2018 | NFO | RIGS.Mechanized.Combat.League.PS4-DUPLEX                                                              |
| 26/03/2018 | NFO | Ride_PS4-Playable                                                                                     |
| 02/01/2016 | NFO | Ride_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                                      |
| 18/08/2017 | NFO | Ride_2_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                                                    |
| 10/11/2018 | NFO | Rick.and.Morty.Virtual.Rickality.VR.PS4-DUPLEX                                                        |
| 13/08/2018 | NFO | Re_Zero_kara_Hajimeru_Isekai_Seikatsu_Death_or_Kiss_JPN_PS4-HR                                        |
| 20/07/2018 | NFO | Reus.PS4-DUPLEX                                                                                       |
| 06/03/2018 | NFO | NUKED Resogun.PS4.Dirfix-MarvTM                                                                       |
| 02/09/2017 | NFO | Resident_Evil_Revelations_EUR_PS4-SharpHD                                                             |
| 15/04/2015 | NFO | Resident_Evil_Revelations_2_EUR_PS4-TCD                                                               |
| NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 10 ] [ 11 ]  -12-  [ 13 ] [ 14 ] ... [ 40 ]                                                      |