o--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------o | | | R O M - N E W S | | | | greetings to mon3{5}y! | | | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | YOU ARE CURRENTLY BROWSiNG THE 'PS4' SECTiON, CONTAiNiNG '1958' RELEASES. | | | | [ SEARCH ] | | | | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 38 ] [ 39 ] -40- | | | |----DATE----.-----.--RELEASENAME------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 02/06/2014 | NFO | Assassins.Creed.IV.Black.Flag.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 02/06/2014 | NFO | Rayman.Legends.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 02/06/2014 | NFO | Wolfenstein.The.New.Order.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 02/06/2014 | NFO | Call.of.Duty.Ghosts.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 01/06/2014 | NFO | Tomb.Raider.Definitive.Edition.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 01/06/2014 | NFO | Infamous.Second.Son.DIRFIX.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 01/06/2014 | NFO | NUKED Infamous.Second.Sun.PS4-WaYsTeD | | 31/05/2014 | NFO | Watch.Dogs.PS4-WaYsTeD | |------------'-----'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | NAViGATiON: [ 1 ] ... [ 38 ] [ 39 ] -40- | '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOADTiME:0.02131s---ROM-NEWS-SiNCE-2004-'